
IBCC Episode 41 – Hypercalcemia

In this episode, we’ve got you covered for all things hypercalcemia. Erase those memory banks that are filled with hyper-hydration and forced diuresis and come fill them back up with appropriate fluid resuscitation, the 1-2-punch for those osteoclasts and all the rest of the pearls for hypercalcemia.

IBCC Episode 40 – Serotonin Syndrome / Toxicity

Pull those ankle socks up, and get ready for some ankle-clonus-good-times. In this episode, we cover one of those “hot and bothered” presentations of Serotonin Toxicity. Come listen to a summary of the chapter that includes, definition, clinical presentation, treatment and clinical pearls.

IBCC Episode 39 – TickBorne Illness

In this episode, we cover an often overlooked infectious cause of that ICU level patient presenting with all kinds of badness: come listen for a sound education on all things babesiosis, anaplasmosis & ehrlichiosis, and rocky mountain spotted fever (RMSF).

IBCC Episode 38 – Hepatic Encephalopathy

Either its a glaringly obvious diagnosis (because your patient is bright yellow and wont wake up) or its apart of a complex presentation, hepatic encephalopathy is one presentation you need to have down!   Come listen to consolidate your knowledge around nitrogen reduction, shunts (the good, the bad, the ugly) and all things HE!

IBCC Episode 37 – Rhabdomyolysis

In this episode, we help you take a more nuanced approach to those patients with “coca-cola urine.” When that CK is a climbing and you don’t know what to do, remember these pearls!

IBCC Episode 36 – All things Phosphate

In this episode, you get a two-for-one. Come for the hypophosphatemia, stay for the hyperphosphatemia.

IBCC Episode 35 – Contrast Induced Nephropathy

Contrast induced nephropathy is the “white walker” of critical care and emergency medicine. Come take a listen as we discuss the potential error in creating a clinically non-meaningful entity, and how we should address this in our daily clinical work.

IBCC Episode 34 – Endocarditis

In this episode we cover all those big highlights for infective endocarditis. Come solidify your approach to clinical presentation of both left and right sided disease, approach to imaging, and empiric therapy. We’ve even got the hot topic of dual coverage down!

IBCC Episode 33 – VF/VT Storm

In this episode we cover the finer points of the high stakes resuscitation of VF / VT “Storm.” Come get a solid approach to identification, resuscitation and nuanced management.

IBCC Episode 32 – Metformin Toxicity

Have you ever seen that patient with a bicarb of 6 and a lactate of 14, and they are just smiling at you and texting their spouse about taxes? In this episode, we explore the direct, indirect, and obscured role that metformin can play in your critical care patients. Come listen for all things diagnosis,

IBCC Episode 31 – Penicillin Allergy

This often mis-understood “penicillin allergy” can have far more dire impacts on the population you would think. Come take a listen and explore the pathophysiology of R1-side chain impact on true allergy, what to do about it, and how it impacts antimicrobial selection and use.

IBCC Episode 30 – Pre-Eclampsia

In this episode, we’ve got you covered for this hypertensive emergency that you need to know cold. Come take a listen for all things around diagnosis, risk factors, clinical presentation, labs and treatment. We’ve got your magnesium. We’ve got your labetolol. We even have a few new tricks for hemolysis.