
IBCC Episode 65 – Hypothermia

In this episode we cover both accidental and non-accidental hypothermia. Come listen for a good review on: Clinical Clues Passive and Active re-warming Modification of standard ACLS approach Complications of hypothermia and much much more… PS: Many apologies to cardiac anesthesiologists and perfusionists: core after-drop is a thing, but we don’t want to cloud the

IBCC Episode 64 – Bupropion Toxicity

In this episode, we cover the 2019 version of a TCA overdose: Bupropion. AKA: Wellbutrin / Illbutrin (Shoutout to Tox & The Hound). Read the post then get an audio summary of the clinical diagnosis, risk stratification, Activated charcoal, whole-bowel irrigation and finally all things VA-ECMO for the extreme toxicities.

IBCC Episode 63 – Acalculus Cholecystitis

In this episode, we cover that sneaky presentation of acalculus cholecystitis. When that ALP/GGT start climbing, or your chronically critically ill patient gets septic again, you need to know about this!

IBCC Episode 62 – Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

In this episode, we cover that pesky Carbon monoxide. From minor exposure to critically ill, we have you covered for: -Diagnosis -Testing -Hyperoxia -Hyperbaric -Bleeding Edge Therapies

IBCC Episode 61 – Post MI Complications

Just when you thought your post MI patient has made it through the woods… they start to crump! In this episode we cover the Ddx and approach to post myocardial infarction complications. Come listen to review all the greatest hits. -Rupturing things -Pericarditis -Access issues -Arrythmias

IBCC EP 60 – Methemoglobinemia

In this episode we cover that rare but fun element to your cyanosed patient Ddx. When your hemoglobin gets oxidized to Fe3+, badness can ensure. Enjoy this quick refresher.

IBCC EP 59 Diffuse Alveolar Hemorrhage & Pulmonary Vasculitis

In this episode, we cover one check box on your bilateral airspace opacification differential diagnosis. Come take a listen for Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage and pulmonary vasculitis in the ICU. -Imaging findings -Bronch? -What labs to order (you can’t just write “vasculitis work up”)

IBCC Episode 58 – Asthma

We know you all have been waiting for it! Here is one of the foundational chapters for the IBCC. All things asthma. We’ve got everything from physiology, to bleeding edge sedation approaches. Come take a (longer) listen to solidify everything you read in the post: -Presentation / patient phenotypes -Initial management -Escalation to salvage treatments

IBCC Episode 57 – Metabolic Alkalosis

In this episode, we further explore the acid-base-palooza with Metabolic Alkalosis. We give you 10 things to treat said event with, however, sometimes its best to let sleeping dragons lie. Josh even snuck in some acid infusion!

IBCC Episode 56 – NAGMA

In this episode we have a quick little refresher on Non-Anion-Gap Metabolic Acidosis for you! Enjoy!!!

IBCC Episode 55 – AGMA

Continuing on with metabolic-palooza: Here is the core approach to Anion-Gap Metabolic Acidosis. We’ve got the KULT, we’ve got the labs/treatment and everything in between.  

IBCC Episode 54 – Approach to Acid Base Disorders

In this episode, we cover the foundations to every day clinical medicine in the ICU: Acid base. As our patients are either often too sick to regulate their own homeostasis, or what we are doing to them prevents their lungs or kidneys from doing so, we give you the approach to recognizing Acid Base disorders.