
Dr. Robert C McDermid

  • BSc, MD, FRCPC (Internal Medicine, Respirology, Critical Care)
  • Intensive Care Physician
  • Site Medical Director: Surrey Memorial Hospital and Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgical Centre, Fraser Health Authority
2020 Mindful Practice Facilitator Training (December)

Rochester University, Rochester, New York

2014 Physician Leadership Program

Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

2004 Testamur

National Board of Echocardiography

2003-2004 Clinical / Research Fellow

Department of Echocardiography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

2002 Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

Adult Respirology

2001 Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada

Internal Medicine

2002-2003 Resident

Department of Critical Care, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

2000-2002 Resident

Department of Respirology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

2000 Electrocardiogram Interpretation Certification

College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta

1997-2000 Resident

Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada

1997, 1999 Advanced Cardiac Life Support
1997 Advanced Trauma Life Support
1993-1997 Doctor of Medicine – Magna Cum Laude

Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

1989-1992 Bachelor of Science – Summa Cum Laude

McGill University, Faculty of Science, Montreal, Canada

1984-1989 High school Diploma – Summa Cum LaudeSt. George’s High School, Vancouver, Canada
Totals: Papers in peer-review journals: 38
Other peer-reviewed publications: 2
Book chapters: 3
Published correspondence: 7
Abstracts: 9
Unpublished research: 2

Papers in peer-review journals (38)


Sprung CL, Jennerich AL, Joynt GM, Michalsen A, Curtis JR, Efferen LS, Leonard S, Metnitz B, Mikstacki A, Patil N, McDermid RC, Metnitz P, Mularski RA Bulpa P, Avidan A. The influence of geography, religion, religiosity and institutional factors on worldwide end-of-life care for the critically ill: the WELPICUS study.

Submitted for publication.

Sepehri K, Braley MS, Chinda B, Zou M, Tang B, Park G, Garm A, McDermid R, Rockwood K, Song X. A computerized frailty assessment tool at points-of-care: development of a standalone electronic comprehensive geriatric assessment / frailty index (eFI-CGA).Public Health 2020; 8: 89


Zou M, Kelly R, Chinda B, Braley M, Zhang T, Arvan T, McDermid R, Song X. The effects of frailty, polypharmacy, and cognition on healthoutcomes: a study on interrail residential care data.

Innov Aging 2019; 3 (Suppl 1): S86


Howard AF, Currie L, Bungay V, Meloche M, McDermid R, Crowe S, Ryce A, Harding W, Haljan G. Health solutions to improve post-intensive care outcomes: a realist review protocol. Syst Rev 2019; 8(1): 11



Wiskar KJ, Celi LA, McDermid RC, Walley KR, Russell JA, Boyd JH, Rush B. Patterns of palliative care referral in patients admittedwith heart failure requiring mechanical ventilation.

Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2018; 35(4): 620-626

Rush B, Wiskar K, Celi LA, Walley KR, Russell JA, McDermid RC, Boyd JH. Association of household income level and in-hospitalmortality in patients with sepsis: a nationwide retrospective cohort analysis.

J Intensive Care Med 2018; 33(10): 551-556


Rush B, Biagioni BJ, Berger L, McDermid RC. Mechanical ventilation outcomes in patients with pulmonary hypertension in the United States:a national retrospective cohort analysis.

J Intensive Care Med 2017; 32(10): 588-592

Rush B, McDermid RC, Celi LA, Walley KR Russell JA, Boyd JH. Association between chronic exposure to air pollution and mortalityin the acute respiratory distress syndrome.

Environ Pollut 2017; 224: 352-356

Rush B, Martinka P, Kilb B, McDermid RC, Boyd JH, Celi LA. Acute respiratory distress syndrome in pregnant women. Obstet Gynecol2017; 129(3): 530-535

Rush B, Hertz P, Bond A, McDermid RC, Celi LA. Use of palliative care in patients with end-stage COPD and receiving home oxygen:national trends and barriers to care in the United States. Chest 2017; 151(1): 41-46

Rush B, Romano K, Ashkanani M, McDermid RC, Celi LA. Impact of hospital case-volume on subarachnoid hemorrhage outcomes: anationwide analysis adjusted for hemorrhage severity.

J Critical Care 2017; 37: 240-243


Rush B, Biagioni BJ, Berger L, McDermid RC. Mechanical ventilation outcomes in patient with pulmonary hypertension in the United States:a national retrospective cohort analysis.

J Intensive Care Med 2016; Jun 8 [Epub ahead of print]

Bagshaw M, Majumdar SR, Rolfson DB, Ibrahim Q, McDermid RC, Stelfox HT. A prospective multicenter cohort study of frailty inyounger critically ill patients. Crit Care 2016; 20(1): 175

Chung KK, Rhie RY, Lundy JB, Cartatto R, Henderson E, Pressman MA, Joe VC, Aden JK, Driscoll IR, Faucher LD, McDermid RC, Mclak RP, Hickerson WL, Jeng JC. A survey of mechanical ventilator practices across burn centers in North America. J Burn Care Res2016; 37(2): e131-139

McDermid J, McDermid RC. The complexity of bipolar and borderline personality: an expression of “emotional frailty”? Curr OpinPsych 2016; 29(1): 84-88


Sprung CL, Hawryluck L, De Robertis E, Joynt GM, McDermid RC , Avidan A. Reply: The Worldwide End-of-Life Practice forPatients in Intensive Care Units Study: Adding Africa.

Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2015; 192: 769-770.

Bagshaw SM, Stelfox HT, Johnson JA, McDermid RC, Rolfson DB, Tsuyuki RT, Ibrahim Q, Majumdar SR. Quality of life amongsurvivors of critical illness: a prospective multi-centre cohort study.

Crit Care Med 2015; 43(5): 973-982


Arntfield R, Millington S, Ainsworth C, Arora R, Boyd J, Finlayson G, Gallagher W, Gebhardt C, Goffi A,, Hockman E, Kirkpatrick A, McDermid RC, Waechter J, Wong N, Zavalkoff S, Beaulieu Y. Canadian recommendations for critical care ultrasound training andcompetency. Can Respir J 2014; 21(6): 341-345.

Sprung CL, Truog RD, Curtis JR, Joynt GM, Baras M, Michalsen A, Briegel J, Kesecioglu J, Efferen L, De Robertis E, Bulpa P, Metnitz P, Patil N, Hawryluck L, Manthous C, Moreno R, Leonard S, Hill NS, Wennberg E, McDermid RC, Mikstacki A, Mularski RA, Hartog CS, Avidan A. Seeking worldwide professional consensus on the principles of end-of-life care for the critically ill: the WELPICUS study. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2014; 190: 855-866.

McDermid RC, Bagshaw SM. Scratching the surface: the burden of frailty in critical care.

Intensive Care Med 2014; 40(5): 740-742

Csanyi-Fritz YI, McDermid RC. Transesophageal echocardiography: a new window into ventilation – perfusion mismatch? Minerva Anestiol2014; 80: 515-516.

Bagshaw SM, Stelfox HT, McDermid RC, et al. Association of frailty with short- and long-term outcomes Among critically ill patients: amulticenter prospective cohort study. CMAJ 2014; 186: E95-E102

McDermid RC, Raghunathan K, Romanovsky A, Shaw AD, Bagshaw SM. Controversies in fluid therapy: type, dose and toxicity. WJCCM 2014; 3: 24-33


Bagshaw SM, McDermid RC. The role of frailty in the outcomes of critical illness.

Curr Opin Crit Care 2013; 5: 496-503

McDermid RC. What’s new in injury science? The costs of falling in Qatar.

Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci 2013; 3(1): 1-2


Primrose M, McDermid RC, Tredget EE, Khadaroo RG. Orthostatic convulsive syncope in a burn patient.

J Burn Care Res 2012; 33(1): e14-16


McDermid RC, Bagshaw SM. ICU and critical care outreach for the elderly. Best Pract Clin Anaesthiol

2011; 25(3): 439-49

Cholley BP, Mayo PH, Poelaert J, Vieillard-Baron A, Vignon P, Alhamid S, Balik M, Beaulieu Y, Breitkreutz R, Canivet JL, Doelken P, Flaatten H, Frankel H, Haney M, Hilton A, Maury E, McDermid RC, McLean A, Mendes C, Pinsky MR, Price S, Schmidlin D, Slama M, Talmor D, Via G, Voga G, Wouters P, Yamamoto T. International Expert Statement on Training Standards for Critical CareUltrasound.

Intensive Care Med 2011; 37(7): 1077-1083

McDermid RC, Bagshaw SM, Stelfox T. Frailty in the critically ill: a novel concept.

Crit Care 2011; 15: 301-306

McDermid RC, Bagshaw SM. Octogenarians in the ICU – are you ever too old? Crit Care 2011; 15: 125 2009

Karvellas, CJ, Bagshaw SM, McDermid RC, et al. A case-control study of single-pass albumin dialysis for acetaminophen-inducedliver failure. Blood Purif 2009; 28: 151-158

McDermid RC, Bagshaw SM. Prolonging life or delaying death? The role of physicians in the context of limited intensive care resources.Philos Ethics Humanit Med 2009; 4(3): 12 Feb 2009

Bagshaw SM, Townsend DR, McDermid RC. Disorders of sodium and water balance. Can J Anesth 2009;

57: 151-167


Karvellas, CJ, Bagshaw SM, McDermid RC, et al. Acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure treated with single-pass albumindialysis: report of a case. Int J Artif Organs 2008; 31(5): 450-455

Johnstone J, Saxinger L, McDermid RC, et al. Human rabies — Alberta, Canada 2007. JAMA 2008; 299(23):


McDermid RC, Saxinger L, Lee B, et al. Human rabies encephalitis: failure of therapeutic coma. CMAJ 2008;

178: 557-561


Paton-Gay JD, Brindley PG, McDermid RC. Fluid management in acute lung injury: friend or foe?

Can J Anesth 2007; 54(1): 73-75


McDermid RC, Gibney RTN, Brisebois RJ, Skjodt NM. Drotrecogin alpha activated in two patients with the hantavirus cardiopulmonarysyndrome.  Can Respir J 2006; 13(5): 272-4


McDermid RC. Thrombolysis for submassive pulmonary embolism. Can J Anesth 2004; 51(8): 846-7

Other peer-reviewed publications (2)


Provincial Ebola Expert Working Group. Recommendations for the Critical Care Management of Suspected and Confirmed EbolaVirus Disease (EVD) Cases: Patient Recovery and Discharge.

Office of the Provincial Health Officer, BC Ministry of Health, 22 April 2015

Provincial Ebola Expert Working Group. Recommendations for the Critical Care Management of Suspected and Confirmed Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Cases. Office of the Provincial Health Officer, BC Ministry of Health, 2 January 2015

Book chapter (3)


McDermid RC, Csanyi-Fritz YI. Methods of Performance Control in ICU. In Handbook of Intensive Care Organization andManagement, Editors: Webb A, Ramsay G. Imperial College Press.

Accepted for publication


McDermid RC, Bagshaw SM. Physiologic reserve and frailty in critical illness.

In The Legacy of Critical Illness: A Textbook of Post-ICU Medicine, Editors: Stephens S, Hart N, Herridge M. Oxford UniversityPress, 2014


McDermid RC, Bagshaw SM. Frailty: a new conceptual framework in critical care medicine.

In 2011 Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. Editor: Vincent JL. Springer, Berlin. Page 711-719

Published correspondence (7)


Sprung CL, Hawryluck L, De Robertis E, Joynt GM, McDermid RC, Avidan A. The Worldwide End-of-Life Practice for Patients inIntensive Care Units Study: Adding Africa. Am J Resp Crit Care Med 2015; in press


McDermid RC, Csanyi-Fritz YI. Re: Being right or being happy: pilot study. BMJ 2013; published online December 21, 2013

McDermid RC, Csanyi-Fritz YI. Killing with kindness: increased mortality with HFOV may be due to sedation.

N Engl J Med 2013; 368: 2231-2232


Hudson DA, McDermid RC, Gibney RTN. Restricting resident work hours: the learner / employee tension.

Crit Care Med 2012; 40: 2739

Csanyi-Fritz YI, McDermid RC. Neuromuscular blockade for early severe ARDS: does sedation make the difference? Can J Anesth2012; 59: 503


McDermid RC, Bagshaw SM. Preventing pulmonary complications during feeding tube insertion – just hold back a little! Publishedcorrespondence. J Intens Care Med 2010; 25: 358


McDermid RC, Bagshaw SM. Non-invasive ventilation in acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Published correspondence. N Eng JMed 2008; 359: 2068



Abstracts and contributions to scientific meetings (9)


Joe VC, Chung KK, Pressman M, Lundy JB, Rhie RY, Cartotto R, McDermid RC, Mlcak RP, Hickerson W, Jeng JC. A survey of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome practices across burn centers in the United States and Canada. To the American Burn Association,Chicago (April 2015)

Driscoll IR, Joe VC, Chung KK, Lundy JB, Rhie RY, Faucher LD, McDermid RC, Mlcak RP, Hickerson W, Jeng JC. A survey of tracheostomy practices in North American burn centers. To the American Burn Association, Chicago (April 2015)


Sprung CL, Truog RD, Curtis JR, Joynt GM, Michalsen A, Avidan A, and The Welpicus Study Group. Worldwide consensus on the principles of end-of-life care for the critically ill: the WELPICUS study. European Society of Intensive Care Medicine,Barcelona, Spain.

Bagshaw SM, Stelfox HT, McDermid RC, Rolfson D, Tsuyuki RT, Baig N, Artiuch B, Ibrahim Q, Stollery DE, Rokosh E, Majumdar SR. Association Between Frailty and Short and Long-Term Outcomes In Critically Ill Patients: A Multi-Centre Prospective Cohort Study. To the Society of Critical Care Medicine, San Francisco, USA (January 2014)

Bagshaw SM, Stelfox HT, McDermid RC, Rolfson D, Tsuyuki RT, Baig N, Artiuch B, Ibrahim Q, Stollery DE, Rokosh E, Majumdar SR. Association Between Frailty and Short and Long-Term Outcomes In Critically Ill Patients: A Multi-Centre Prospective Cohort Study. To theAmerican Thoracic Society, San Diego, USA

(May 2014)


Bagshaw SM, Stelfox HT, McDermid RC, Rolfson D, Tsuyuki RT, Baig N, Artiuch B, Ibrahim Q, Stollery DE, Rokosh E, Majumdar SR. Association Between Frailty and Short and Long-Term Outcomes In Critically Ill Patients: A Multi-Centre Prospective Cohort Study. To the Critical Care Canada Forum, Toronto, Canada (November 2013)


Johnstone J, Saxinger L, McDermid RC, et al. Rabies encephalitis post bat exposure, fatal after 9 weeks of intensive care with the WisconsinProtocol. Infectious Disease Society of America Annual Meeting,

San Diego, California, October 6, 2007. Poster


Jue J, McDermid R, Abbey H, Dokainish H. The relationship of tissue Doppler to B-type natriuretic peptide following acute myocardialinfarction. Can J Cardiol 2004; 20 Suppl D: 468A


McDermid RC, Kavanagh K. An assessment of multimedia ventricular depolarization movies as an electrocardiographic teaching tool.Clinical and Investigative Medicine, 1999; 22: 164A


Unpublished research (2)

McGarvey W, McDermid RC, Peterson S. 5’AMP – activated protein kinase and pyruvate dehydrogenase activity during continuous andinterval exercise and recovery.

Nominated for the Graduate Students Award by the Canadian Society of Exercise Physiologists

McDermid RC, Levine RL. Examination of the role of blood-borne macrophages in goldfish neural tissue regeneration.



2015 Class Valedictorian

Cohort 3, Physician Leadership Program, Sauder School of Business University of BritishColumbia, Vancouver, Canada

2004 Canadian Society of Exercise Physiologists graduate student award nomination Co-author on paper selectedas one of five outstanding Canadian PhD theses

2003 Society of Critical Care Medicine SCCM examination Placed 1st in North America

2002 Society of Critical Care Medicine SCCM examination Placed 3rd in North America

2002 Class of 2005 Preceptor of the Year

Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta

2001 Class of 2004 Preceptor of the Year

Faculty of Medicine, University of Alberta

2000 Dr A. M. Edwards Award, University of Alberta

Awarded to the resident who best displays commitment, enthusiasm and excellence in medical education

1999 Michael Koilpillai Award, University of Alberta Awarded for excellence inneurology

1996 David and Anne Beach Award, University of British Columbia Awarded on the basis ofacademic merit

1995 Amyot Prize, University of British Columbia

Awarded to the undergraduate medical student for excellence in public health and academic medicine

1995 John Neil McLeod Award, University of British Columbia Awarded on the basis ofacademic merit

1993-1995 Medical Student Association Entrance Scholarship, University of British Columbia Awarded on the basis ofacademic merit

1992-1996 Chancellor Scholarship, University of British Columbia

One of five U.B.C. awards given for outstanding academic performance and personal attributes

1991 Prince of Wales Scholarship, McGill University Awarded on the basis ofacademic merit

1990 Clifford C. Wong Award, McGill University Awarded on the basis ofacademic merit

1989-1992 J. W. McConnell Scholarship, McGill University

Awarded to the top 5% of students in the Faculty of Sciences

1989-1992 University Scholar, McGill University

Awarded to the top 10% of students in the Faculty of Sciences

1989-1992 Great Distinction, McGill University Awarded for G.P.A. 3.97 /4.00

1989-1992 Canada Scholarship

Awarded to students on the basis of outstanding academic achievement entering the fields of science andengineering

1989 Irving Levitt Foundation Scholarship, McGill University Awarded on the basis ofacademic merit

1989 Governor General’s Bronze Medal, St George’s School, Vancouver

Awarded to the student graduating with the highest academic standing in his / her Grade 12 class

1989 Gold Dragon Pin, St George’s School, Vancouver Awarded for outstandingachievement as a student

1989 $2000 BC Provincial Scholarship

Awarded for placing amongst the top 20 students on the BC Provincial Scholarship Exams

1989 University of Toronto National Book Award

Awarded for academic merit


Canadian Institutes for Health Research                                            ($348,076)

Project: Unplanned Hospital Readmission following critical illness survival: an investigationof the survivor-family dyad

Role: Knowledge-user


Canadian Institutes for Health Research                                            ($1,384,652)

Project: Frailty assessment for older adults at points of care: validating the electroniccomprehensive geriatric assessment / frailty index


Role: Co-investigator


Canadian Institutes for Health Research                                            ($84,150)

Project: Health solutions to improve post-intensive care outcomes: a realistsynthesis

Role: Co-investigator



Canadian Institutes for Health Research                                            ($73,359 yearly for 2 years)

Project: ICU-FRAILTY: a prospective multicentre observational study of frailty in criticalillness.

Role: Co-investigator


University Hospital Foundation Grant                                               ($25,000)

Project: ICU-FRAILTY: a prospective multicentre observational study of frailty in criticalillness.

Role: Co-investigator

Canadian Intensive Care Foundation Grant                                        ($25,000)

Project: ICU-FRAILTY: a prospective multicentre observational study of frailty in criticalillness.

Role: Co-investigator


2010 – 2014   Lecture series and practical sessions, “Critical care ultrasound”, University of Alberta
2009 – 2014   Elective rotation, “Advanced cardiopulmonary physiology”, University of Alberta
2007 – 2014   Lecture series, “Respiratory physiology for the Intensivist”, University of Alberta
2007 – 2014   Critical care medicine junior resident curriculum facilitator, University of Alberta
2001 – 2003   Phase I medical curriculum facilitator, Respiratory Medicine, University of Alberta


Individual sessions


May        Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Ventricular interdependence and cardiopulmonary interaction”
September  Critical CareMedicine Half-day, “Cardiopulmonary physiology for the intensivist”


May        Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Ventricular interdependence and cardiopulmonary interaction”


September  Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Cardiopulmonary physiology for the intensivist – Part I”
June       Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Ventricular interdependence and cardiopulmonary interaction”


September    Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Liberation from mechanical ventilation”
August       Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Non-invasive ventilation”
August       Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “A primer on renal replacement therapy for the intensivist”


September  Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “A primer on renal replacement therapy for the intensivist”
September  Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Ventricular interdependence and cardiopulmonary interaction”
August     Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Cardiopulmonary physiology for the intensivist – Part III”
August     Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Cardiopulmonary physiology forthe intensivist – Part II”
July       Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Cardiopulmonary physiology for the intensivist – Part I”


November    Clinical Instructor, Vancouver ultrasound symposium, CAE Healthcare
October     Critical CareMedicine Half-day, “Non-invasive ventilation”
August      Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Communicating with families”
July        Critical CareMedicine Half-day, “Introduction to intensive care”


December     Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Non-invasive ventilation”
November     Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Liberation from mechanical ventilation”
November   ClinicalInstructor, Toronto ultrasound symposium, CAE Healthcare
October      Course Coordinator, University of Arkansas Medical Center ultrasound symposium, CAE Healthcare
October      Critical CareMedicine Half-day, “Liberation from mechanical ventilation”
August       Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Making first impressions count: thin-slicing hemodynamics”
July        Critical CareMedicine Half-day, “Introduction to critical care ultrasound”
June         Clinical Instructor, Vancouver ultrasound symposium, CAE Healthcare
May    Clinical Instructor, Montreal ultrasound symposium, CAE Healthcare
March        Course Coordinator, Kingston ultrasound symposium, CAE Healthcare


October       Clinical Instructor, Toronto ultrasound symposium, Innovative Critical Care Ultrasound
September     Critical CareMedicine Half-day, “The hemodynamic consult”
July          Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Introduction to critical care hemodynamics”
June          Course Coordination, Vancouver ultrasound symposium, Innovative Critical Care Ultrasound
March       Course Coordinator, Edmonton ultrasound symposium, Innovative Critical Care Ultrasound
March       Course Coordinator, Salt Lake City ultrasound symposium, Innovative Critical Care Ultrasound
January       Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Advanced cardiopulmonary physiology and its application”


October       Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Breaking bad news”
August        Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Introduction to critical care ultrasound”
July Critical Care MedicineHalf-day, “Introduction to hemodynamics”
July          Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Introduction to intensive care”
June          Clinical Instructor, Vancouver ultrasound symposium, Innovative Critical Care Ultrasound
May  Clinical Instructor, Montreal ultrasound symposium, Innovative Critical Care Ultrasound
May         Clinical Instructor, Toronto ultrasound symposium, Innovative Critical Care Ultrasound
March         Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Applied respiratory physiology – how to finesse the ventilator”
February      Critical CareMedicine Half-day, “Intraabdominal hypertension in the ICU”
January       Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Role of steroids in critical care”


October       Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Mechanical ventilation for heart failure”
September  Critical CareMedicine Half-day, “Communicating with families”
July          Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Introduction to renal replacement therapy”
July        Critical CareMedicine Half-day, “Introduction to hemodynamics”
July          Critical Care Medicine Half-day, “Introduction to intensive care”
March         Critical CareMedicine Half-day, “Obstetrical critical care”