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Dr. Marietjie Slabbert


Dr. Marietjie Slabbert

Clinical Assistant Professor


Degree: MBChB (6 year full-time course)

School of Medicine University of Pretoria South Africa




FRCPC by examination, Royal College of Physicians  22/6/2017

and Surgeons Canada Anesthesiology Canada


Fellowship: Trauma and Critical Care Anesthesiology

Sunnybrook Health Science Centre UoT Toronto, Canada

2015 – 2016


Residency training and dual specialisation completion of training (CCT) in

Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine

Oxford Deanery, United Kingdom

UK Anesthesiology Fellowship exam completed 2009

2005 – 2014


Postgraduate Diploma in EMS Transport Medicine and Retrieval Medicine (RTM)

College of Surgeons Edinburgh United Kingdom

October 2013


Fellowship by examination, Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine FFICM

United Kingdom

March 2013

Master’s degree in Critical Care (MSc)

University of Cardiff, Wales United Kingdom


Postgraduate Diploma in Immediate Medical Care (IMC)

College of Surgeons Edinburgh United Kingdom

June 2008


MBA Leadership and Management student

Robert Kennedy College Zurich York St. John University, UK

Started October 2018



Primary School: Queenswood Primary, Pretoria, South Africa (RSA)                      1985 – 1990

Secondary School: C.R Swart High, Pretoria, RSA                                                1991 – 1995

Tertiary Education: University of Pretoria, Medical School, RSA                             1996 – 2001



ACLS provider

PALS provider

PHECC: Pre hospital Emergency Care                                                           Valid since 2005

MEF: Medical Emergencies in Flight course                                                                     2005

Blue light Driving Course, Solo responder                                                       Valid since 2007

  • SIVA Conference, Cambridge 2007: “The introduction of TIVA training using the Fresenium TIVA system TM in a District General Hospital in the UK.” Wong, Gillen, Slabbert,


  • Co-Author of Primary FRCA website com 2011.


  • Co-Author of the Traumatic Cardiac Arrest Guidelines 2013 for London’s Ambulance Service (007 Trauma).


  • Co-Author of chapter Advancing Palliative Care in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine in Compelling Ethical Challenges in Critical Care and Emergency Medicine, 2020,


  • National Conference presentation: OxTrauma Major Trauma and Pre hospital Care: “Management of Traumatic Cardiac Arrest” November 2013, Oxford,


  • Conference presentation: Investec Risk Management Conference, September 2014: “Risk Management Strategiesin Pre hospital Care”.


  • International Conference presentation: International Pre hospital Care Conference for British Association of Immediate Medical Care, October 2014: “Air Ambulance Physician-Paramedic Critical Care Team’s role in EMS” and “Case series in the management of significant maxillary facial trauma” and “ Management of traumaticcardiac arrest in pre-hospital medicine”.


  • National Conference presentation: National Qualsafe, UK’s largest First Aid organisation November 2014: “Headand spinal injuries – getting a head start”.


  • National Conference workshop presentations/workshops: Oxford University Major Trauma and Pre hospital Emergency Medicine Conference November 2014: “Thoracostomy and resuscitative thoracotomy team leading and practical skills training”.


  • National Conference presentation at Trauma Care, Telford UK. Topic presented: “Risky business: Zen-likestrategies in trauma care”. 20 April


  • International Conference Presentation: SMACC Chicago: Faculty at International Critical Care and Social Media conference and Expert Panel member for discussion of neuro-critical care case, Chicago June


  • Journal Publication: “Articles That May Change Your Practice: Intubation and Ventilation” MacDonald, RD, Slabbert M. Air Medical Journal, Volume 34, Issue 5 , 244 – 246.


  • International online blog on spinal immobilization and extrication from cars: co.uk/spinal-immobilization 2015


  • Qualsafe conference presentation: “Sinister side of syncope. Folklore and facts on fainting and how to manage it in the pre hospital environment”. 27 November


  • Television appearances: Clinical work as pre-hospital physician featured on three television documentaries: “Real rescues” (2010) and “An hour to safe your life” (2013) and “Air Ambulance ER” (2015).


  • Metro Life Flight Critical Care Transport Symposium: Guest keynote speaker. Topics presented: “International Critical Care Air Ambulance – a physicians role” and “Safe Rapid Sequence Intubation out side of the OR – the ultimate team ” June 4th 2016


  • International Conference presentation: SMACC Dublin (Social Media And Critical Care Conference). Presenter at SMACCForce on “Fatigue, the enemy ” and a debate at the main conference on “Prehospital doctors addvalue in trauma care.” June 13-16th 2016.


  • International Conference presentation: SMACC Berlin (Social Medical and Critical Care Conference). Presenter at SMACCForce on “Top 10 Pre-hospital research articles of 2016”. June 2017


  • International Conference presentation: SMACC Berlin (Social Media and Critical Care Conference). Presenter at main conference on “How I make decisions in an emergency – cognitive toolbox”. Expert panel member ofresuscitationists addressing challenges in resuscitation 2017.


  • International Conference presentation: Brave Discussions in Emergency Medicine (BadEM) in Cape Town, South Africa. Topic: “A tale of four continents, what I have learned so ” March 2018


  • International Conference Presentation: EMS Gathering in Cork, Ireland. Topic: “Lessons from the future as pertaining to Emergency Medical Service provision” September


  • Conference Presentation: Rural & Remote 2019 Hallifax. Topic:” Transforming Telehealth in Rural & Remote ”April 4th, 2019.


  • Conference Presentation: CAEM 2019 Halifax, Trauma track. Topic: “The freaken scary trauma ” May26th, 2019.


  • Moderator at International Tactical Trauma Conference, Sundsvall, Sweden. October 9th


  • International Conference Presentation: BigSick Critical Care conference Zermatt Switzerland: “Leading in aVUCA environment” February 6th,


  • International Conference Presentation: Critical Care Canada Conference Whistler Canada: “Should I stay, or should I go, decisions around critical care transport in Northern BC”. February 11th,



  • GIC: Generic Instructor Course: February 2008 and instructor on multiple resuscitation
  • Ultrasound teaching of medical students of University of Toronto in simulation centre, Sunnybrook Canada 2015
  • Delivering Acute Pain Management seminar to medical students of the University of Toronto, Canada 2015
  • Medical student and resident clinical teaching at UHNBC
  • Multi-disciplinary simulation teaching for ICU team at UHNBC
  • Resuscitation course
  • Instructor on Cork Ireland Resuscitative Emergency Surgical Skills cadaveric course 2018
  • Clinical faculty appointment, University of British Columbia at the rank of Clinical Instructor since 2018

Teaching initiative:

  • Setting up a Collective Reflective Anesthetic Practice session for Oxford Deanery anaesthetic trainees at the RoyalBerkshire Hospital, 2008
  • Elective Medical Student lectures produced and delivered at London’s Air
  • Paramedic teaching: Realistic procedural skills training for performing
  • Training package design for new PHEM Specialist Trainees in the Oxford
  • Instructor for Helicopter Emergency Medicine Crew Course and Enhance Care Response physician lead pre hospitalresponse