
Dr. Hussein Kanji

Dr. Hussein Kanji
Clinical Assistant Professor
Medicine/Critical Care Medicine

University or Institution Degree Subject Area Dates
University of Alberta MPH Clinical Epidemiology 2007 – 2008
University of Calgary MD Medicine 2002 – 2005
University of Calgary MSc Role of KATP channels inischemic reperfusion injury 1999 – 2001
McGill University BSc Physiology 1995 – 1999


Title of Dissertation and Name of Supervisor

Differential Roles for sacKATP and mitoKATP Channels in Hypoxia and Reoxygenation Injury Supervisor: Drs. RJ French & PELight

Continuing Education or Training

University or Institution Rank or Title Dates
Glenfield Hospital, University ofLeicester UK ECMO Clinical Attachment &Research Fellow 2013 – 2014
University of British Columbia Clinical Fellow (Critical CareMedicine) 2011 – 2013
University of Alberta Resident (Emergency MedicineRCPS) 2008 – 2011
University of Alberta Resident (Cardiac Surgery) 2005 – 2008
Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology (MIT) Research Fellow 2001 – 2002


Continuing Medical Education

University or Institution Type Detail Dates
1 Extracorporeal Life SupportOrganization (ELSO) Educational andScientificMeetings Four times ayear 2015 – 2019
2 BC Patient Safety & QualityCouncil Quality and safetyrelated to criticalcare and patientcentric outcomes Weeklymeetings:Attended onaverage 2weeks permonth 2019 – Current
3 University of British Columbia Critical CareGrand Roundsand Critical careAHD Roundsattended, onaverage, oncea month 2014 – Current
4 Society of Critical CareMedicine Annual ScientificMeeting InternationalSymposium oncurrent criticalcare 2011 – 2015
5 Canadian Society of CriticalCare Annual ScientificMeetings MeetingsAttended 2011 – 2016
6 Canadian CardiovascularCongress Annual ScientificMeetings MeetingsAttended,speaker andmoderator 2008 – 2016


Professional Qualifications

1 Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeon of Canada – Dual board certified inEmergency Medicine and Critical Care Medicine
2 Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, Principles of Surgery Certified
2 Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada (LMCC)
3 Emergency Medicine and FOCUS Ultrasound Certified
4 American College of Cardiology (ACC) Level II Echocardiography Certified
5 ECMO Specialist
01. Refereed Publications
1 Singh G, Nahirniak S, Arora R, Légaré JF, Kanji H, Nagpal D, Lamarche Y, Fan E, Singh Parhar KK.Transfusion Thresholds for Adult Respiratory Extracorporeal Life Support: An Expert ConsensusDocument. Can J Cardiol. 2020 Jun 26:S0828-282X(20)30577-8.    (in print)
2 Mitra AR, Fergusson NA, Lloyd-Smith E, Wormsbecker A, Foster D, Karpov A, Crowe S, Haljan G,Chittock DR, Kanji HD, Sekhon MS, Griesdale DEG. Baseline characteristics and outcomes of patients with COVID-19 admitted to intensive care units in Vancouver, Canada: a case series. CMAJ. 2020 Jun 29;192(26):E694-E701
3 Guy A, Kawano T, Besserer F, Scheuermeyer F, Kanji HD, Christenson J, Grunau J, Therelationship between no-flow interval and survival with favourable neurological outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: Implications for outcomes and ECPR eligibility PMID: 32553923
4 Guy A, Bryson A, Wheeler S, McLean N, Kanji HD. A Blended Prehospital Ultrasound Curriculum forCritical Care Paramedics. Air Med J. 2019 Nov-Dec;38(6):426-430.PMID: 31843154
5 Sun T, Guy A, Sidhu A, Grunau B, Finlayson F, Ding L, Harle S, Kanji HD. Veno-ArterialExtracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (VA-ECMO) for Emergency Cardiac Support: ARetrospective Single Center Case Series. J Crit Care. 2018 Apr; 44:31-38 PMID: 29040883
6 Singal RK, Singal D, Bednarczyk J, Lamarche Y, Singh G, Rao V, Kanji HD, Arora RC, Manji RA,Fan E, Nagpal AD. Current and Future Status of Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Can J Cardiol. 2017 Jan;33(1):51-60. PMID: 28024556
7 Sy E, Sklar MC, Lequier L, Fan E, Kanji HD. Anticoagulation practices and the prevalence of majorbleeding, thromboembolic events, and mortality in venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO): A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Crit Care. 2017 Jun; 39:87-96. PMID: 28237895
8 McCallum J, McLaughlin P, Hameed M, Kanji HD. 64-slice CT compared to MRI to clear cervicalspine injury in high-risk GCS < 14 blunt trauma patients admitted to the ICU. Trauma March 2017(online)
9 Kanji HD, McCallum J, Norena M, Wong H, Griesdale DE, Reynolds S, Isac G, Sirounis D, Gunning D, Finlayson G, Dodek P. Early veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is associated with lower mortality in patients who have severe hypoxemic respiratory failure: A retrospective multicentercohort study. J Crit Care. 2016 Jun; 33:169-73.    PMID: 26971033
10 Singal RK, Singal D, Bednarczyk J, Lamarche Y, Singh G, Rao V, Kanji HD, Arora RC, Manji RA,Fan E, Nagpal AD. Current and Future Status of Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest. Can J Cardiol. 2017 Jan;33(1):51-60. PMID: 28024556
11 Sklar MC, Sy E, Lequier L, Fan E, Kanji HD. Anticoagulation Practices during VenovenousExtracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Respiratory Failure. A Systematic Review. Ann AmThorac Soc. 2016 Dec; 13(12):2242-2250. PMID 27690525
12 Kanji HD, Chouldechova A, Harvey C, O’dea E, Faulkner G, Peek G. Safety and outcomes of mobileECMO using a bicaval dual-stage venous catheter. ASAIO J. 2016 Dec 2. PMID: 27922881
13 Sklar MC, Sy E, Lequier L, Fan E, Kanji HD. Anticoagulation Practices during VenovenousExtracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (VVECMO) for Respiratory Failure: A Systematic Review.Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2016 Dec;13(12):2242-2250. PMID: 27690525
14 Kanji HD, McCallum JL, Bhagirath KM, Neitzel AS. Curriculum Development and Evaluation of aHemodynamic Critical Care Ultrasound: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Crit Care Med. 2016Aug;44(8):e742-50. PMID: 27031378
15 Kanji HD, McCallum J, Sirouninis D, MacRedmond R, Moss R, Boyd JH. Limited echocardiography guided therapy in sub-acute shock is associated with change in management and improved outcomes. Journal of Critical Care 2014 Oct;29:700-705. PMID: 26971033 (feature study)
16 Kanji HD, Neitzel, Sekhon M, McCallum J, Griesdale DE; Sixty-four Slice CT Scanner to ClearTraumatic Cervical Spine Injury: Systematic Review of the Literature. Journal of Critical Care. 2014Apr;29(2):314.e9-13. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2013.10.022. PMID: 24393410
17 Kanji HD, Sirounis D, Boyd JH. Once is enough: limited echocardiography in subacute shock. J CritCare. 2015 Apr;30(2):431-2. doi: 10.1016/j.jcrc.2014.12.011. PMID: 25579374
18 Kanji HD, Mithani M, Boucher P, Dias V, Yarema MC; Coma, metabolic acidosis, andmethemoglobinemia in a patient with Acetaminophen toxicity. J Population Therapeutics and ClinicalPharmacology. 2013;20(3):e207-11. PMID: 24077426
19 Kanji H, Thirsk W, Dong S , Szava- Kovats M, Villa-Roel C, Singh M, Rowe BH; EmergencyCricothyroidotomy: A Randomized Crossover Trial Comparing Percutaneous Techniques: ClassicNeedle First Versus “Incision First”. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2012 Sep;19(9):E1061-7,PMID: 22978733.
20 Lehr EJ, Wang PZT, Oreopoulos A, Kanji H, Norris CM, MacArthur RG. Midterm outcomes andquality of life of aortic root replacement: mechanical vs. biological conduits. Canadian Journal ofCardiology 2011 March; 27(7):262.e15-20, PMID: 21459276.
21 Kanji HD. The toothless smile (Penelope Gray-Allan Memorial CJEM Writing Award). Canadian Journalof Emergency Medicine 2011; 13(3) PMID: 21524365.
22 Kanji HD, Schulze CJ, Oreopoulos A, Lehr EJ, Wang W, MacArthur RM. Peripheral versus centralcannulation for extra-corporeal membrane oxygenator (ECMO): A comparison of limb ischemiatransfusion requirements. The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon 2010 Dec; 58(8):459-62, PMID:21110267.
23 Kanji HD, Schulze CJ, Hervas-Malo M, Wang P, Ross DB, Zibdawi M, Bagshaw SM. RelativeDifference Between Pre-operative and Cardiopulmonary Bypass Mean Arterial Pressures isIndependently Associated with Early Cardiac Surgery-Associated Acute Kidney Injury. Journal ofCardiothoracic Surgery. 2010 Sept 8; 5:71, PMID: 20825657.
24 Kapoor AS, Kanji H, Buckingham J, Devereaux PJ, McAlister FA. Strength of evidence forperioperative use of statins to reduce cardiovascular risk: systematic review of controlled studies.British Medical Journal 2006, Dec 2. 333(7579):1149-52, PMID: 17088313.
25 Manning Fox JE, Kanji HD, French RJ, Light PE. Cardioselectivity of the sulphonylurea HMR 1098: Studies on native and recombinant cardiac and pancreatic KATP channels. British Journal ofPharmacology 2002 Jan; 135(2):480-8, PMID: 11815384.
26 Light PE, Kanji H, Manning Fox JE, French RJ. Distinctive myoprotective roles of sarcolemmal andmitochondrial KATP channels during metabolic inhibition and recovery. FASEB Journal, 2001 Dec 15(14):2586-94, PMID 11726534.


01. Book Chapters
1. Kanji HD, Ronco JJ. Adult Respiratory Disease.    Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Support inCritical Care Fifth Edition (Red Book). Chapter 35 (In Print)


Conference Proceedings
1 Kanji HD, Griesdale D, Dodek P, Reynolds S, McCallum J, Isac G, Boyd JH, Gunning D, Sirounis

D. Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Improves Survival in Patients with Severe ARDS;Poster presentation, Society of Critical Care Medicine Congress, Puerto Rico, 2013.

2 Kanji HD, McCallum J, Sirouninis D, MacRedmond R, Moss R, Boyd JH. Resuscitation of shock using early standardized echocardiography is associated with improved survival; Oral presentation, Societyof Critical Care Medicine Congress, Puerto Rico, 2013.
3 Kanji H, Thirsk W, Dong S, Szava- Kovats M, Villa-Roel C, Singh M, Rowe BH. Partially open versus Seldinger emergency needle cricothyroidotomy in a swine model a randomized cross- over trial, Poster & Oral; Society of Critical Care Medicine & Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians,Houston TX & St. John’s, 2011.
4 Kanji HD, Schulze CJ, Hervas- Malo M, Wang P, Ross DB, Zibdawi M, Bagshaw SM. RelativeDifference Between Pre- operative and Cardiopulmonary Bypass Mean Arterial Pressures isIndependently Associated with Early Cardiac Surgery- Associated Acute Kidney Injury, Oralpresentation, Canadian Cardiovascular Society Meeting, Edmonton AB, October 2009.
5 Wang P, Lehr E, Kanji HD, Oreopolous A, Norris C, MacArthur RM. Midterm outcomes of aortic root replacement: A comparison between mechanical and biological valve conduits; Oral presentation, 18th World Congress of the World Society of Cardio-Thoracic Surgeons, Kos Greece, April 2009.
6 Mullen JC, Chan MCY, Kanji HD, Lo PS, Kearns J, Modry D, Burton J, Coe Y, Kim D, Lalonde L,Tymchak W, West L. Improving Survival After Repeat Heart Transplantation, Poster, InternationalSociety for Heart and Lung Transplant, Boston MA, April 2009.
7 Kanji HD, Dicken B, Matheson DJ, Winkelaar GB. Institute experience of    Radical EnblocResection of Primary Lieomyosarcoma of the Inferior Vena Cava, oral presentation PacificNorthwest Vascular Society Meeting, Victoria BC, March 2008.
8 Kanji HD, Kapoor AS, Buckingham J, Devereaux PJ, McAlister FA. Strength of evidence forperioperative use   of statins to reduce cardiovascular risk:    systematic review of controlledstudies, Tom Williams Surgical Research Day & Oral Presentation at Terrence Donnelly CardiacSurgery Resident’s Conference, Toronto ON, February 2008.
9 Kanji HD, Schulze CJ, Hervas-Malo M, Wang P, Ross DB, Zibdawi M, Bagshaw SM. Peripheralversus   central cannulation for extra-corporeal membrane oxygenator (ECMO): A comparison oftransfusion requirements and overall morbidity, Oral presentation, Canadian CardiovascularCongress, Quebec PQ, 2007.
10 Kanji HD, Light PE, French RJ. Pharmacological studies of the sarcolemmal KATP channelantagonist HMR 1098 and its role in mediating cell survival of cardiac myocytes under anoxicconditions, Oral presentation, Western Canada Pharmacology Conference, Banff AB, 2001.
11 Kanji HD, Light PE, Manning Fox JE, French RJ. Highlighting the differential role of the mitoKATPand sarcKATP channels in mitigating the effects of hypoxia and reperfusion injury in cardiacmyocytes, Oral Presentation, American Heart Association (AHA) conference, New Orleans LA, 2000.



Awards for Teaching & Scholarship

1 Teaching Honor roll, presented by Department of Internal Medicine (2019)
2 Award for Outstanding Mentorship, Department of Critical Care Medicine (2017)
3 Fraser Health Teaching Award – Awarded by UBC Clinical Interns (2013-2014)
4 The Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) Top Research Award and Scholarship, In-Training Category, SCCM (2013)
5 Research Citation Award, Society of Critical Care Medicine (2012)
6 Merit Award recipient for oral research presentation, Critical Care Canada Forum (2011)
7 Resident of the Year Award, Covenant Health, Edmonton, Alberta (2010)
8 1st Place for Best Clinical Research, University of Alberta Department of Emergency MedicineResearch Day (2010)
9 Canadian Emergency Medicine (FRCP) National Resident Leadership Award, Canadian EmergencyAssociated of Emergency Medicine (2010)
10 1st Place for Best Clinical Research, Surgical Research Day, Tom Williams University of Alberta(2007)
11 Harvey E. Dowling, M.D. and Pearl Christi-Dowling, M.D. Award (2003)
12 Dr. John C. Morgan Medical Science Scholarship (2003)
13 Student’s Legislative Council Scholarship, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary (2002)
14 Scholarship for Excellence in Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary (2002)
15 Centennial Medal, Province of Alberta (2002)
16 Humanitarian of the Year (youngest recipient to date), Indo Canada Chamber of Commerce(2002)
17 Outstanding Achievement Award, MIT School of Science (2001)
18 Inducted to the Alberta Volunteer Wall of Fame 2001 – Awarded by Premiere Ralph Klein(2001)
19 Scholarship for Distinguished Scientific Research, Novartis (2000)


Awards for Service (indicate name of award, awarding organizations, date) 

1 People First Award, Vancouver Coastal Health (2012)
2 Penny-Gray Allen Memorial Award for writing in humanity (Runner-up), Canadian Journal ofEmergency Medicine (2011)
3 Queen’s Jubilee Gold Medal, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (2005)
4 Nominated for the MIT Martin Luther King Jr. Leadership Award, MIT (2001)
5 Stars of the Millennium Award – Awarded by Minister G. Zwozdesky, Alberta WildroseFoundation (2000)
6 Mayor’s Outstanding Youth Achievement Award – Presented by Calgary Mayor Al Duerr (1997)
GrantingAgency Subject Duration

mo/yy tomo/yy

PrincipalInvestigator Co-Investigators
Canadian Safety and efficacy 2012 HD Kanji S Reynolds
Department of prophylactic IVC N Garraway
Defense filters in high risk
trauma patients
Kingsway Emergency Physicians Assessment of novel emergency cricothyroidotomy technique (RCT) 2009 HD Kanji W ThirskB RoweS Dong
Canadian Assessment of novel 2009 HD Kanji W Thirsk
Association of emergency B Rowe
Emergency cricothyroidotomy S Dong
Canadian technique (RCT)
Edmonton Relative hypotension 2007 HD Kanji D Ross
Civic while on
Employees cardiopulmonary
Charitable bypass being a
Assistance predictor of acute
Fund kidney injury

Areas of special interest and accomplishments

1 Cardiovascular Physiology
2 Extra-corporeal Membrane Oxygenator
3 Ultrasound Guided Management in Critical Care


Students supervised

Student Name Program Type Program Details Year SupervisoryRole Current Position/Awards
1 CosteShuster Critical CareFellow Mentor 2020-Current Academic &ResearchMentor Fellow
2 AndrewAbou-Jaoude Undergrad student ECMO database creation

and mobilization in critical care study

2019-Current Research mentor Undergraduate student
3 Kali Romano Critical Care Critical CareFellow 2019-2020 Academic &ResearchMentor Fellow
4 SonnyThiara Critical Care ECMO outcomes 2018-2019 Academic

and research mentor

5 MarioFrancispragasam Critical CareFellow Critical care ultrasound 2015- 2017 Academic and research mentor Fellow
7 Terri Sun Anesthesia ECMO for

cardiogenic shock

2015- 2017 Research supervisor Resident
8 HusamBahaudden Critical CareFellow Critical care ultrasound 2014- 2016 Research supervisor Fellow
9 Eric Sy Critical CareFellow Systematic Review:Anticoagulation


2014- 2016 Research supervisor Fellow
10 Andrew Guy Medical Student Development of ECMO Database 2013- Current Research supervisor Resident
11 ThariqBadiudeen Undergraduate Mededucation Improving communicationwith families in ICU 2013- 2015 Academic &Researchmentor Medical student
12 KendeepKaila Critical Care Critical care echo guided fluid therapy 2013- 2016 Research supervisor Fellow
13 JonathanHong Cardiac surgery Anticoagulationin ECMO 2013- 2014 Research supervisor Resident
14 Jessica McCallum Medical Student ECMO for ARDS

(local study)

2012- 2014 Research mentor Undergraduate student


Continuing Education Activities (CME)

1 Guest Lecturer: Physician Based Quality Improvement Program: QI Sustainability 2020
2 Critical Care Paramedical Lower Mainland Respiratory Therapist CME, “Advances in ECMO”, 2019
1 Guest Lecturer: Regional RT group (VCH): Ventilation strategies on ECMO, 2019
1 Guest Lecturer: Lower Mainland Respiratory Therapist CME, “Advances in ECMO”, 2018
3 Guest Lecturer: Post Arrest Cardiac Care, Fraser Health Cardiologists and Cardiac Surgeons(2015)
4 Approach to difficult airway and ventilation in the ICU
5 Hemodynamic Ultrasound and Echocardiography in the ICU (Part I and Part II) for Clinical Fellows(2015,2016)
6 Grand Rounds: Past, present, future of ECMO (2016)
7 Guest Lecturer: Recent advances of ultrasound-based resuscitation, BC Patient Safety & QualityCouncil Sepsis Network (March 19, 2013).


Scheduled Teaching (without course number)



Duration Year Number ofStudents /Trainees Student /Trainee level Total Hours
Critical Care Medicine(AHD) 2 hours 2020 4 Fellow 4 hours
ECMO Specialist course 8 hours 2019 10 Fellow &Nurses 8 hours
ECMO Simulations 2 hours 2019 10 Fellow &Nurses 8 hours
Resident didactic teaching 1 hour 2019 10-15 PGY 1-4 6 hours
ECMO Specialist course 8 hours 2018 10 Fellow &Nurses 8 hours
ECMO Simulations 2 hours 2018 14 Fellow &Nurses 8 hours
Resident didactic teaching 1 hour 2018 10-15 PGY 1-4 6 hours
Resident didactic teaching 1 hour 2017 10-15 PGY 1-4 6 hours
Critical Care Medicine(AHD) 2 hours 2017 4 Fellow 4 hours
Critical Care Medicine(AHD) 2 hours 2016 4 Fellow 6 hours
Resident didactic teaching 1 hour 2016 10-15 PGY 1-4 6 hours
Resident didactic teaching 1 hour 2015 10-15 PGY 1-4 6 hours
Resident didactic teaching 1 hour 2014 10-15 PGY 1-4 6 hours
Resident didactic teaching 1-2 hours 2013 5-10 PGY1-4 10 hours


Unscheduled Teaching



Duration Year Number ofStudents /Trainees Student /Trainee level Total Hours
Bedside resident teaching 1 hour 2019 3-5 PGY1-5 29
Bedside resident teaching 1 hour 2018 3-5 PGY1-5 35
Bedside resident teaching 1 hour 2017 3-5 PGY1-5 57
Bedside resident teaching 1 hour 2016 3-5 PGY1-5 13