
Dr. Alasdair Nazerali-Maitland


Dr. Alasdair Nazerali-Maitland

Clinical Associate Professor

University or Institution Degree Subject Area Dates
Maastrict University, Netherlands MHPE Masters of Health Professionals Education (Masters in Medical Education done with part instruction/part correspondence via CHES (Centre of Health Education Scholarship) in Vancouver, British Columbia. 2014-2016) 2014 – 2016
University of London MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 2003 – 2008


Continuing Education or Training

University or Institution Rank or Title Dates
University of Calgary Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Training 2015/03- 2015/05

2016/02 – 2016/09

Centre of Health Education Scholarship Clinical Education Fellowship 2014/07 – 2016/06
University of Calgary Critical Care Medicine Fellowship Training 2013/07 – 2014/06
Queen’s University, Kingston General Hospital, Canada Internal Medicine Residency 2010/07 – 2013/06


Continuing Medical Education

Institution / Organization Dates
Chair – Northern Health Critical Care Retreat

Curriculum lead and session organizer for Northern Health Annual Critical Care Retreat that includes post-intra pandemic response, review of cardiac care services, review of trauma and review of undergraduate and postgraduate practices.

February 2021, September 2021
UBC SoEL (Scholarship of Educational Leadership) Program Cohort – Leadership training for the implementation of effective and efficient, strategically-aligned, research-informed, and evidence-based curricula and pedagogical practices in order to enhance high engagement student learning experiences and university status in regional, national or international rankings May – September 2020
UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre) Comprehensive ECMO Training Course – simulation time, and hands-on workshop designed for ELSO Guidelines for Training and Continuing Education for adult Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation Specialists. April 2018
UBC Medicine Education Leaders Program – a joint project between the Centre for Health Education Scholarship (CHES) and the Office of Faculty Development in the Faculty of Medicine. Aimed to develop leadership/education skills to direct the education of the next generation of care providers across the province. Composed of educational leadership, pedagogical foundation and cohort formation. January – July 2018

Professional Qualifications

1 Member of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada – FRCPC – Internal Medicine: Royal College certification completed 2014 – Specialist in Internal Medicine
2 MCCEE – Medical Council of Canada Evaluating Examination
3 MCCQE1 – Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination 1
4 MCCQE2 – Medical Council of Canada Qualifying Examination 2
5 MRCP (UK) – Member of the Royal College of Physicians United Kingdom
6 FRCPC – Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada –  Internal Medicine and Critical Care Medicine

(a) Journals
Nazerali A. “Defining Moments”. Canadian Medical Association Journal.  DOI:10.1503/cmaj.109-3063.
Chan B, Nazerali-Maitland A, Hopman W, Zelt D, Morton R. Less is more: a rationalization of daily labwork. Can Med Educ J. 2018;9(4):e135‐e137. Published 2018 Nov 12.
Nazerali-Maitland A, Holden R, Jones A, Cardoso J, Levido K, Douglas C. Adapting Clinical Skills Volunteer Patient Recruitment and Retention During COVID-19. Can Med Educ J 2021. Accepted for publication February 09, 2021
Holden R, Hurlburt A, Nazerali-Maitland A, Stasiuk S, Jones A, Shah A, Douglas C. COntinuing Viable In-person Delivery of EDucation Study: COVID-ED. BCMJ – Pending Publication/issue – 2021
(b) Conference Proceedings
o   Abstracts
Nazerali A. “The Use of Lamb’s Chests in Chest Drain Insertion Simulation”. CHEST. Meeting abstract. doi: 10.1378/chest.1080094. Chest October 2011 vol. 140 no. 4 Meeting Abstracts 1026A.
Nazerali-Lorenzon., S, & Nazerali-Maitland., A. Multiple Modality Simulation Chest Tube Insertion – Is More Learning Always Better? Chest. 2015;148(4_MeetingAbstracts):466A.doi:10.1378/chest.2215910
O Negative Blood – Experiences from a Medical Education Teaching Rotation

Hickey, H. (2020). Dedicated Poster Abstracts. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 11(2), e155-e274. https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.70106

UBC Ultrasound Curriculum  – The Early Introduction of Ultrasound in Undergraduate Medicine

Hickey, H. (2020). Dedicated Poster Abstracts. Canadian Medical Education Journal, 11(2), e155-e274. https://doi.org/10.36834/cmej.70106

Videos – participation in Dean’s Video – as actor – https://vision.med.ubc.ca/meet-the-cast/Presentations
(including publisher and date of submission)
Nazerali-Maitland, A. Nimmon, L. , Douglas, C. Challenges with IMG Selection: Positive Predictive Attributes that Predict Success. CEBM, 2021. Publication Date Pending

(including degree of completion)

a) EIUUM – Early Introduction of Ultrasound in Clinical Medicine – on hold during COVID19 Pandemic
b) Volunteer Patient Participation Study – on hold during COVID 19 Pandemic



Awards for Teaching (indicate name of award, awarding organizations, date)

1 2014 – University of Calgary Associate Dean’s Letter of Excellence for Course 3
2 2014 – University of Calgary Course 3 Bronze level teaching award – For contribution of 15+ hours of undergraduate teaching
3 2013 – Professional association of Interns and Residents of Ontario – PAIRO Postgraduate Resident Teaching Award for Queens University – Runner up.
4 2013 – Queen’s University Undergraduate Teaching Award – Nominated

(b) Awards for Scholarship (indicate name of award, awarding organizations, date)

(c) Awards for Service (indicate name of award, awarding organizations, date)

1 5 Year Service Award –  2020 – Vancouver Coastal Health
Grant award Topic Amount Date
Specialist, Sub-speciality, Indigenous SPIFI/ PG Continuing Medical Education Pandemic Response/ Annual Critical Care Educational Symposium $18,000 annually 2020 onwards
Facility Engagement Medical Society/ Norther Health Authority Acute Care Multi-disciplinary Simulation training $16,000 annually 2020 onwards
Regional Resource Access Committee/ UBC Oral Case Presentation Workshop $5000 annually 2017 onwards

(a)  Areas of special interest and accomplishments

1 Invited HonouraryLectures St. George’s Hospital Medical School, London, England, October 29, 2014. May 2019 A 5 Minute Approach to Undifferentiated Shock at the bedside: A 60 minute lecture covering an approach to the physical examination and management of a patient with undifferentiated shock.
Area of teaching interest Dates
Dean’s vision video, participation in Panel discussion – VGH – Chosen to be a featured physician / member of the Dean’s Vision video. Featured panelist for discussion on lessons learned, what to convey to next generation of physicians. February 2020
IMG Selection and collaboration with Postgrad – Since completion of Masters work/thesis, there has been ongoing collaboration and work with Department of Family Medicine (Drs Mark Mackenzie, Joanna Bates) on sharing key findings, positive/negative attributes about IMG trainees who match to family medicine. 2017 – ongoing
Postgraduate Medical Education – Multiple additional collaborations with a variety of postgraduate residency training programs to introduce teaching opportunities for POCUS rotation at VGH. Ultrasound scanning club collaboration, collaboration with donors to receive funds to award resident teaching award. 2017 – ongoing
Medical Education Elective rotation – creation of a teaching elective approved at postgraduate level for residents from Internal Medicine, Paediatrics, Psychiatry, OBS/GYN, Physical Medicine and Rehab, Public Health 2017- ongoing
Undergraduate Medical Education – multiple new teaching sessions including collaborations with clinical decision making. New sessions include:

i)    Oral Case Presentations

ii)   Clinical Skills Integration – problem list formation, CDM and case writing workshop with admission notes

iii)  Enhanced Skills sessions – used to integrate histories, physicals and clinical decision making and centred around patient presentations/approaches

iv) Petitioning for a new fee code at Canadian Medical Protection Association dedicated for those who devote their time to teaching- specifically for our retirees who want to stay teaching. This involved creating a position statement, evidence, calling representatives). This is now formally recognized as fee code Type of work 7

v)   Development of an awards day, combined with an existing volunteer patient appreciation party to recognize outstanding contributions to clinical skills teaching. Fundraising and recognition processes in clinical skills were non-existent prior to that – speeches, lunch and a handing out of the awards by the Regional Associate Dean.

vi) Development of a clinical skills emeritus position for retired physicians in Paediatrics who were still in search of teaching opportunities – this is an honorarium program used to recognize outstanding teachers

2016 – ongoing

Courses Taught at UBC

Courses taught Dates
Ultrasound faculty workshop – development of an ultrasound training evening to teach community preceptors about undergraduate ultrasound sessions – Northern Medical Program and Vancouver Fraser Medical Program March 2019
Introduction to Clinical Experiences Lectures – lecture series introducing clinical skills curriculum to year 1 and 2 students demonstrating integration of histories, physicals, dos and don’ts in the hospital, Personal Protective Equipment 2018 – present


Students supervised

University, Company or Organization Name, Level of training Project Date/Year
UBC – Undergraduate Medical Education -(UGME) – FLEX (Flexible learning experience) Valeriya Zaborska CC3 Dictation Guides for CSI 2020
UBC – UGME – FLEX Michelle Ou, CC4 Cranial Nerve Palsays 2019-20
UBC – PostGraduate Medical Education Elective Rotation Mihailo Veljovic, IM R3 Image acquisition project 2019-20
UBC – UGME – FLEX Alanna Roberts, CC4 Developmental Paediatrics module 2018
UBC – UGME – FLEX Adam Min, CC4 Oral Case presentation module 2018
UBC – UGME – FLEX Bethany Jiang, CC4 Role Playing in Cardio/GI and Resp cases 2018
UBC – UGME – FLEX Jeff Yim, CC4 Problem list formation 2018
UBC – UGME – FLEX Emily Ryan, CC4 Pelvic Exam Module 2018
UBC – UGME – FLEX Angelina Marinkovic, CC4 EIUUM initial project 2018
UBC – PGME – Med Ed Elective Rotation Claire Campion Wright, IM R3 Respirology revamp 2017-18
UBC – PGME – Med Ed Elective Rotation Robert Schmidt, IM R3 GI revamp 2017-18