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Canadian Residents applying to our program may submit all application forms, academic transcripts and letters of reference to the based on Canadian Resident Matching Service. Once the portal opens, applications are reviewed and short-listed applicants are invited for an on-site interview. Final selections take place as per the rules set by CaRMS.

For all other applicants, applications are reviewed (see materials required below) as they are received and short-listed by the Critical Care Medicine Program Training Committee. There is rolling enrolment for each January and July start date and positions are filled as suitable candidates apply. After application materials are received, eligible candidates are offered an interview by skype if in-person is not possible. All those involved in the interview process complete an evaluation and these evaluations, together with the application package are considered by the Residency Program Selections Committee.

Successful applicants will receive a salary determined by the Department of Pediatrics (more information about this is available from the Program Director). There are stipends for on-call hours as well as the opportunity for additional income if a trainee elects to participate in the transport retrieval roster. Apart from the salary, the Program provides financial support to allow each trainee to attend a scientific meeting once each year. If you require further information please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mona Patel, MD FRCP(C)
[email protected]
Pediatric Critical Care Program Director
Department of Pediatrics, UBC
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Program Admin: Jennifer Fox
[email protected]


To be eligible, Canadian applicants must be within one year of completing a Royal College approved program prior to initiation of subspecialty training. Acceptable training includes Pediatrics, Anesthesiology, Emergency Medicine, Pediatric General Surgery, and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery. Funding is provided by the Ministry of Health for Canadians who have finished or are in the process of finishing their base training from a Royal College of Canada approved program.

Pediatric critical care training is available for foreign trainees who have current certification in their own jurisdiction in Pediatrics, Anesthesiology, or Critical Care Medicine. Candidates must meet the English language proficiency requirements** of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia. Applications are not reviewed until there is a successful IELTS. Training is available for 1 or 2 years. Applications from foreign trainees must include all of the following items to be considered:

  • Completed application form
  • Transcripts from medical school and postgraduate medical training
  • 3 letters of reference (particularly about clinical aptitude) sent directly to the program director
  • Current CV
  • Letter of interest from the candidate outlining goals of training, requested start date, and requested duration of training
  • Proof of english proficiency requirements within two years of intended start date**
  • Passport sized colour photograph

Please realize that funding and positions are very limited. In addition, satisfactory completion of training does not permit foreign trainees to achieve certification through the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. Be advised: this is not a back door entry to practice in Canada.

International applicants maybe eligible for the SEAP program offered by the Royal College of Physician and Surgeons of Canada. For those trainees who complete the entire two-year fellowship with all the required goals and objectives, examinations and evaluations as a critical care trainee; this offers a pathway to sit the national Royal College Examination in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. Those who pass the exam will be provided Royal College attestation of its successful completion and offered the option to become a Royal College Subspecialist Affiliate. SEAP does not create a new pathway to Royal College Fellowship. Successful exam candidates cannot use the Fellowship designation. Affiliate status provides a mechanism for maintaining engagement with the Royal College and participating in the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program, but it does not confer Royal College membership or fellowship status.

More information regarding this program is available here: Subspecialty Examination Affiliate Program (SEAP)

Enrolling in SEAP is entirely optional. This option is available for those that meet the past training requirements and successfully complete two years of training time in pediatric critical care medicine as explained above. The intention to train as a SEAP trainee must be declared prior to the start of fellowship and all the associated fees must be paid by the trainee. Information regarding fees to enrol as SEAP are available here: (under administrative fees).

International trainees who elect not to pursue the SEAP stream still receive the same training, evaluation and internal examinations as SEAP and Royal College trainees (all trainees regardless of “stream” receive the same education). If a trainee elects not to pursue SEAP, they will not be permitted to sit the Royal College Certifying Examination in pediatric critical Care medicine at the completion of training. However, they will receive a university certificate attesting to the completion of Clinical training in pediatric critical care medicine. SEAP is optional and not a requirement of the PCCM training program.

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